Introduction: Shadowfax- an online to offline startup crowded delivery and third party logistics service provider started by Abhishek Bansal and Vaibhav Khandelwal based in Bengaluru in 2015. Meesho – E-commerce based in bengaluru founded by two IIT graduates Vidit Aatrey and Sanjeev Barnwal in 2015, where it provides small business to reach out customers via... Continue Reading →

Inter state Council

Article: INTER STATE COUNCIL The Inter-State Council is a non-permanent constitutional body enshrined in Article 263 of the Constitution of India. It can set up the President based on the provisions of Article 263. First, such a body was established in 1990 on the recommendation of the Government Commission under the Ministry of Home Affairs.The... Continue Reading →


All over the world, marriage is an important institution. Whether marriage is considered as a sacrament or a contract, marriage gives rise to status. The counties agree that marriage is a union between man & woman. Under Hindu law, marriage is considered as a sacrament which has the implication that is permanent, indissoluble and eternal.... Continue Reading →


Introduction For the longest time period punishment was looked at as something which was aimed at inflicting maximum punishment on the wrongdoer and hence methods such as stoning, impaling, shooting using a cannon, crushing etc was used. As the human race civilized, it was observed that the intention behind punishment has moved from simply delivering... Continue Reading →

Freedom of Press violates Right to Privacy

Right to Privacy is a fundamental right that cannot be taken away. It necessitates respect because it is linked to human dignity. However, given the current situation, it is under a great threat. We can see how the overly excited media is infringing on people's personal rights. It is necessary to strike a balance between... Continue Reading →

Hunooman Prasad Pandey vs. Muss Badooi moonraj Kanwar [(1856) 6 MIA 393]

Introduction: This case is related to rights of alienation of the property of minor by ‘karta’ or ‘manger’. The main points for consideration before the Privy Council are- 1. Whether the property of minor or his interests can be alienated by the ‘karta’ or ‘manger’. 2. If yes, then under what circumstances and up to... Continue Reading →


GRAVE AND SUDDEN PROVOCATION There must be an instance of the grave and sudden provocation in order to take the plea of exception to Section 300. However, it has to be noted that this provocation should not be first initiated at the instance of the accused. In the case of K.M. Nanavati {K.M.Nanavati v. State... Continue Reading →

article 19: INTRODUCTION

The fundamental right to freedom of speech and expression gives its citizens the right to express his views. Read through the better explanation of the Freedom of Speech and Expression under Article 19 as given by the Indian Constitution to understand what rights it confers upon us. All the fundamental rights are enshrined in Part... Continue Reading →

human rights and gender equality

Gender equality between men and women refers to equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities for both of them. It does not mean that they will become same, but that women’s and men’s right, responsibilities and opportunities will not depend on what they will born as, a male or a female. Gender equality implies that the interests,... Continue Reading →


Assault: An assault may be defined as the unlawful laying of hands on another or attempts to do a corporeal hurt to another, coupled with the present ability and intention to the act. According to Sir Frederick Pollock-“The essence of the wrong of assault is putting a man in present fear of violence, so that... Continue Reading →

Balfour V Balfour

Balfour V. Balfour is one of the landmark cases of English contract law. It is based on the doctrine of intention, the intention of both the parties to form a contract. Lord Justice Atkin said that domestic commitments are not within the jurisdiction of contract law. The main point made was that if a promise... Continue Reading →

Same sex marriage – Fresh plea filed in High Court – All you need to know !!!

Why in news? A plea (or Petition) has been filed by a married same-sex couple, in which one of them is an Overseas Citizen of India and his partner a United States citizen. The spouse is applying for Overseas Citizen of India status, but fears that his application as well as the request for the... Continue Reading →

marital rape

Marital rape is any unwanted sexual act by, a spouse committed without consent or consent obtained by force, or threat of force, intimidation, or any threat. These sexual acts include intercourse, anal or oral sex, forced sexual behaviour with other individuals, and other sexual activities that are considered by the victim as, painful, and unwanted.... Continue Reading →

Implementation of GST

The year 2017 will forever be etched in Indian history as the year that saw the implementation of the biggest and most important economic reform since Independence - the Goods and Services Tax (GST). The reform that took more than a decade of intense debate was finally implemented with effect from 1 July 2017, subsuming... Continue Reading →

Domestic Violence against men in India

Gone are the days when men were the sole breadwinner of the family. Gender roles and expectations have significantly changed after the Independence and they are still changing. A man being subjected to domestic violence seems unbelievable to us as a society, primarily to the extreme gender stereotypes inherited for centuries. A man goes public... Continue Reading →

AVEEK SARKAR and Anr vs STATE OF WEST BENGAL and Anr. (2014) 4 SCC 257: Case ANALYSIS

The facts of the case are as follows: The magazine STERN had published a picture of Boris Becker and his dark-skinned fiancée Barbara Feltus posing nude, clicked by her father. The article contained their interview in which they talked about apartheid and how love conquers over hatred. Both Sports World and Anandbazarpatrika circulated this article.... Continue Reading →

Public Interest Litigation: A Brief Introduction and History

As the name suggests, Public Interest Litigation (PIL) is an action of carrying on a legal or judicial proceeding in a court of law for the purpose of enforcing any legal right or legally protected interest. In this form of litigation, the case is initiated not by the aggrieved party but either by the court... Continue Reading →

Judicial system in India

The judiciary in India is stated for the welfare of the citizens. It is responsible for the enforcement of law and order in country. The Indian Judicial system follows the common law system based on the recorded judicial precedent from the British era. The court system of India comprises of Supreme Court of India, the... Continue Reading →

Legal Principles of International Intellectual Property Regime

Intellectual property rights give the inventors the rights to exploit their innovations and protection from third party using it. Today a lot of trade and commerce takes place globally but surprisingly there aren’t really any international IP rights. IP rights are territorial and are created by each country’s national law, and typically apply only to... Continue Reading →

Green Intellectual Property Rights – A plathora of safeguarding modern technology

Introduction Immature technology is an umbrella period that describes the help of technology and science to initiate food and army that are environmentally friendly. Green-tech is interconnected to cleantech, which particularly refers to harvest or armed forces that advance operational feat bit as well dipping costs, energy consumption, waste, or harmful belongings on the environment.... Continue Reading →

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