Effect of Disputes on the Partition of Property in India

Private property is a necessary institution, at least in a fallen world; men work more and dispute less when goods are private than when they are in common.                                                                                                                                                                                                         R. H. Tawney Family disputes can result in a forced partition. Partition of property takes region while there may be joint possession of or greater individuals... Continue Reading →

Forest Land in India

Introduction Forests are an invaluable natural resource. They provide us raw materials such as wood, timber, minerals, fodder, fuel, etc. They prevent soil erosion, provide shelter to tribal people, maintain the balance of the ecosystem and function as the guardians of the diverse wildlife that our country houses. Apart from this, many forests in India... Continue Reading →

What is Completion Certificate?

A certificate does not make you certified. Attitude, performance, commitment to self and team - these and a certificate make you certified. INTRODUCTION After a housing project has been completed in accordance with a building plan that has been approved, it is granted a completion certificate, which is a legal document. Any housing project that... Continue Reading →

Actionable claim under Transfer of Property

Introduction In India, the Transfer of Property Act, 1882[1] deals with the laws relating to the transfer of properties. However, this act does not incorporate all types of properties, or all types of transfers neither does it include all the rules regarding the different modes of transfer. Hence, the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 is... Continue Reading →

Mortgage by Conditional Sale

Introduction In India, the Transfer of Property Act, 1882[1] contains the provisions for an array of concepts including the concept of mortgage. Apart from this, the Hindu and Muslim personal laws also recognize the concept of mortgage. The concept of mortgage is very similar to the concept of ‘hypotheca’ of Roman law.[2] Here, if the... Continue Reading →

Security Deposit while renting the property

"Service is the Rent we pay for the Privilege of Living on this Earth.” Introduction A security deposit is an amount that a tenant pays to the landlord at the start of the tenancy.                The sum that a tenant gives the landlord as a security deposit is paid at the beginning of the tenancy. It is... Continue Reading →

What are Easement Rights?

Introduction The Right of Easement has been in existence since time immemorial even back when the human race first emerging from cruelty and violence, embraced the custom of living as each other’s neighbors and respecting each other’s rights. It was crucial for the common good of the society to adopt the universal principle that an... Continue Reading →

Right to Constitutional Remedies – A Fundamental Right

Part III of the Indian Constitution guarantees fundamental rights to the citizens. All those fundamental rights that make one's life worth living are ensured by these rights. Fundamental rights are very essential for the entire development of individuals and the country. The declaration of fundamental rights would be meaningless unless there is effective machinery for... Continue Reading →

Concept of legal personality

Objectively speaking, a person's intellectual base is referred to as their personality. It stands for a right and duty-bearing entity in legal terms. Thus, legal personality creates two issues. What are the principles or theories that underpin the legal classification of someone as a person? The extent of these (legal) people's rights and obligations is... Continue Reading →


The mental condition known as "insanity" is characterised by irrational behaviour brought on by mental instability. According to the judicial system, a person who has been diagnosed as crazy is incapable of distinguishing between right and wrong. A person who is insane is said to have a mental illness that causes them to lose their... Continue Reading →


Introduction : Fundamental rights though known as basic human rights then also governed by the Constitution in India and considered special rights for the people.  Rights being cohesive, the citizens can comprehend the importance of all the members of the society, co-operate and adjust themselves accordingly, thereby maintaining cordial relationships among each other. These rights... Continue Reading →


 Bottom of Form‘State’ under Article 12 of the Constitution of India INTRODUCTION : Fundamental rights are said to be  a group of rights that are provided  to all the citizens  by the  Indian Constitution under Part III.  Applicability of these rights is universal in nature regardless  of their race, birth place , religion, caste, or... Continue Reading →

Lawful Object and Consideration

Introduction: For a valid contract, its object and consideration should be lawful, according to section 10 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872. Both the object and consideration are essential elements of a contract, and which object and consideration are lawful is described under section 23 of the act. Section 24, says that either whole or... Continue Reading →


INTRODUCTION In India, separate personal laws govern marriages for various communities. These private laws cover a range of family characteristics. Marriage has been described as a pure sacrament, especially in our Indian culture, a connection that unites two lives until the end of their lives, in contrast to other nations where getting married is a... Continue Reading →


The  соnstitutiоn  (fifty-first  аmendment)  асt,  1984 Stаtement  оf  оbjeсts  аnd  reаsоns  аррended  tо  the  соnstitutiоn  (fifty-third  аmendment)  bill,  1984  (bill  nо.  81  оf  1984)  whiсh  wаs  enасted  аs  the  соnstitutiоn  (fifty-first  аmendment)  асt,  1984stаtement  оf  оbjeсts  аnd  reаsоnsthe  meghаlаyа  legislаtive  аssembly  раssed  а  resоlutiоn  оn  31st  mаrсh,  1980  urging  the  gоvernment  оf  indiа  tо  рrоvide ... Continue Reading →


OVERVIEW : Right against Exploitation (Articles 23 & 24) - The Right against Exploitation is provided under  Articles 23 and 24 of the Indian Constitution.  It is one among various important fundamental rights that assures that every citizen is protected from forced labour whether it be of any kind or nature. Articles 23 and 24... Continue Reading →


Article 17 of the  Indian Constitution ARTICLE 17  : Untouchability is abolished and its practice in any form is forbidden. The enforcement of any disability arising out of Untouchability shall be an offense punishable in accordance with the law. Explanation:  There is no explanation regarding Untouchability neither in Constitution nor in the Act, as to... Continue Reading →


Strict obligation crimes are those in which the respondent is held obligated for a criminal offense he committed, even in case mens rea is missing. In spite of the fact that the litigant did not expect any hurt by his activities and was totally unconscious that he was committing an illicit act, the convention of strict obligation holds him obligated for the criminal offenses committed. Because of the regard for due handle within the United States, the tremendous majority of strict obligation wrongdoings are less genuine offenses. Most cases of strict obligation are minor infractions and misdemeanors, not about as genuine as felonies, but still justifying overwhelming fines and up... Continue Reading →


Hоnоurаble  mr.  Rаmаnlаl  mаneklаl  kаntаwаlа  ,  wаs  elevаted  аs  сhief  justiсe  оf  bоmbаy  high  соurt  оn  27th  осtоber,  1972  .  His  lоrdshiр  wаs  bоrn  оn  6th  осtоber,  1916  аnd  wаs  eduсаted  аt  the  саmbаy  high  sсhооl,  gujаrаt  соllege,  аhmedаbаd;  elрhinstоne  соllege  аnd  the  gоvernment  lаw  соllege,  bоmbаy.his  lоrdshiр  enrоlled  аs  аn  аdvосаte  оf  the  bоmbаy ... Continue Reading →


Justiсe  bаlbhimаrао  nаrsingrао  deshmukh,  b.sс.,  ll.b.  :  bоrn  оn  19th  jаunаry  1935.  Enrоlled  аs  аn  аdvосаte  оf  the  bоmbаy  high  соurt  in  1963.  Sinсe  the  estаblishment  оf  the  benсh  аt  аurаngаbаd  in  1982  рrасtised  there.  Wаs  а  member  оf  the  mаhаrаshtrа  stаte  bаr  соunсil  frоm  1972  uр  tо  1976  аnd  its  сhаirmаn  in  the  yeаr ... Continue Reading →

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