Impact of technology on children

Technology is now a basic part of our life. We spend most of our time on technology. Its need is increasing day by day. In the modern world, everything is being digitalized. So the use of technology is growing very rapidly. As a result, even the kids are getting very close to technology.Nowadays children are... Continue Reading →

POCSO (Protection of Children against Sexual Offences Act)

Every day in the newspaper or TV we can see at least one news of a minor being raped or sexually abused. Even kids are not safe from this. In the cases of sexual abuse, not only girls but boys too are abused. Some people say that abuse happens with adult females is just because... Continue Reading →

World Brain Tumour Day

Even though brain tumour is widely known. But still, people are not aware of it. Most people don’t know about the symptoms, treatment, precaution and even very little information about Brain Tumour. According to a study, the incidence of tumours in the central nervous system in India ranges from around 5 to 10 cases per... Continue Reading →

5 G: A step to Future

5G: A Step To Future World is growing very fast day by day.  Every step in advancing technology is a step towards future. Future which everyone had a dream. Automatic cars, artificial intelligence, advanced world and many more. All these are possible just because of one thing, Internet. Without internet, we can’t even imagine our... Continue Reading →

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